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What is the Goal of 5S?

5S is a Lean method intended to implement order in the workplace. The goal of 5S is to improve efficiency by eliminating various wastes, including the waste of motion and time spent looking for tools, materials or information. Other benefits include improved safety and morale due to a more effective work environment.
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What is the Goal of 5S?

5S is a Lean method intended to implement order in the workplace. The goal of 5S is to improve efficiency by eliminating various wastes, including the waste of motion and time spent looking for tools, materials or information. Other benefits include improved safety and morale due to a more effective work environment.

What is the 5S Process?

Purge & organize work area

Clean work area to be free of dirt and clutter

Understand where items belong to be easily accessible when needed

Document & enforce/reward successful 5S behaviors

Continuously audit and improve process

Follow every step with Safety!
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Why Use 5S?

Remove waste from the workplace
Provide an environment where continuous improvement is encouraged and embraced
Create a culture of discipline
Improve Safety
Improve Quality

Examples of a 5S Work Site

Proper 5S implementation requires buy in from everyone affected by the process, and enthusiastic and consistent leadership. A visual workplace allows for vital information at a glance and retrieving tools can be done rapidly. Designated holding areas with Red Tags sort and organize rarely used items.

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