
There’s a lot more to fall protection than falls from great heights—especially in general industry.

How safe is your plant when you are walking around? There are many ways to protect and prevent workers from slips, trips and falls that do not necessarily require a worker to wear protective equipment. See why and how in this passive fall protection infographic.

Falls from 10 feet or less are some of the most dangerous and frequently occurring fatalities and injuries. Passive fall protection systems, such as guardrails, handrails, matting, chemical-protected flooring and other “stationary” applications can really cut down on or prevent slips and trips—and can help avoid fatal falls in industrial settings.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration updated its fall protection standards for general industry in 2017 to help seriously reduce workplace fatalities and injuries. Lost workdays due to same-level falling injuries cost companies nearly $11 billion a year, according to the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index.

 Need to figure out worker injury costs today? Use our simple and interactive workplace injury cost calculator.

What Is a Passive Fall Protection System?

Whether by having something to grab on to or by having the right kind of traction under foot, passive fall protection systems should not be overlooked on the plant floor—including on mezzanines and maintenance ladders. A fall protection system is considered “passive” because you do not necessarily wear it on your body. In other words, a passive fall protection system means protection that remains fixed whether a worker is using it or not—it’s just there. It doesn’t need the worker to take an action or wear personal protective equipment, or “PPE,”—such as harnesses, lanyards, helmets or other bodily gear.

Here are five easy-to-understand and easy-to-incorporate tips for passive fall protection.


How well is your plant using passive fall protection systems today? Where do you think you can improve?

Talk to Us!

Thanks for the tip that merely having guardrails will already significantly help in lessening the likelihood of falls. I recently acquired a commercial property that's very near a highway so the foot traffic would be good for the business establishment I will build there. Having guardrails would surely help in discouraging some dangerous jaywalking.


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