
Brady offers a variety of signs, tapes, labels and lockout products to help you operate more efficiently while at the same time creating a safer workplace. They have compiled a handy checklist to help you find out if your facility is properly identified. 

Brady offers a variety of signs, tapes, labels and lockout products to help you operate more efficiently while at the same time creating a safer workplace. Use the checklist below to find out if your facility is properly identified. 

You can scan the checklist below and easily & quickly download the checklist here.


To learn more about keeping your facility safe, visit Brady's landing page on

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It takes a lot to get it right. To be a company that lasts more than 100 years by continually evolving and growing to meet the needs of our markets and customers. Our first-to-the-market and best-in-the-market approach led us to receive hundreds of patents over the years and truly shape an industry. We do what others don't in ways they can't. We offer innovative products backed by years of research and development. Beyond our quality products and reliable solutions, we add value for our customers through strong partnerships and a commitment to solving important problems. Brady offers solutions to help increase safety, security, productivity and performance throughout your facility—everything from printing systems, software and high-performance labels to facility signs, safety devices, expert safety services and more. 

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