
If you could decrease your absenteeism by over 20% with one simple investment, would it peak your interest? That’s exactly what happened for one company who measured their results in a two-year study with Wearwell.

If you could decrease your absenteeism by over 20% with one simple investment, would it peak your interest? That’s exactly what happened for one company who measured their results in a two-year study with Wearwell.


Before Wearwell, absenteeism had been running out of control. With an average rate of 5.2%, huge amounts of money were being lost on a yearly basis. Not only does this have an administrative cost, but a major productivity cost as well.

Wearwell knew what their products could do for the company, so they decided to prove it with hard ROI facts! A one-year measurement on concrete was conducted as a benchmark. Wearwell studied their absenteeism, injury rates, and productivity over the year, and here is what they found:

These numbers speak for themselves. To address these major challenges, Wearwell implemented a matting program like they do for any customer. Wearwell came to their facility, looked at the major fatigue and exertion challenges, took measurements, and outfitted all the standing workers with properly recommended anti-fatigue matting. The results were stunning!


Absenteeism dropped from 5.2% before Wearwell, to 4% after the implementation of a Wearwell program. That’s a 23% improvement in absenteeism!

Before Wearwell, injury rates were through the roof! After all, the #1 Workers Comp Spend is on simple overexertion injuries (NSC 2012).

After implementing Wearwell’s program, injury rates dropped 70%! Quality matters, and Wearwell's products are one of the single best investments you can make in your workforce. They have always kept laser focus on the industrial athlete because they consider it their responsibility to send them home in the same working condition as when they walked in for their shift. 

Previously Featured on Wearwell's blog.

To keep your workers safe and your productivity up, check out Wearwell's line of ergonomic matting, flooring and other facility safety solutions on

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Wearwell is a U.S.-based global manufacturer of cutting-edge anti-fatigue matting and flooring.  For over 70 years, Wearwell has led the industry with over 20 patented anti-fatigue flooring and matting solutions designed to prevent injuries, improve performance, and position companies to compete in an ever-changing world.   

With sales operations throughout North America, South America, and Europe, Wearwell works alongside customers to improve safety, reduce absenteeism, boost productivity, and heighten morale across every industry.

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