
There are so many ice cleat versions on the market today, and it can be overwhelming to decide which is best for you.  

What makes an ice cleat the best choice for your personal needs?

There are so many ice cleat versions on the market today, and it can be overwhelming to decide which is best for you.  Questions you need to ask yourself are:  Are they for work or leisure?  What type of footwear will I be using and what are the conditions they will be used in?

Whether you require extra traction when you are at work or at play, the Due North and K1 Series have the right style for you. 

Working in the harsh winter weather conditions demands an industrial quality ice cleat.  Ensure the quality and durability is tried and tested.

Many working conditions include frequent transitioning from outdoors to indoors or in and out of vehicles.  Using a mid-sole style ice cleat that can be easily rotated to an "off" position allows for a quick and easy transition.  Original, High, Low, and Slim profiles are designed to fit a variety of footwear, no matter the shoe size.

Working in an environment that has light ice and snow or wet surfaces?  The Indoor/Outdoor Spikeless Traction Aid by Due North is ideal for those who need additional traction when transitioning from indoors to outdoors and when traditional spikes are not ideal.  

Some work environments require heavy-duty traction due to terrain.  This requires an ice cleat that has durable molded-in spikes that are strategically placed to maximize traction.  The Heavy-Duty Traction Aid by Due North will keep you grounded.  The exclusive rubber compound, integral retention strap, and 14 strategically placed tungsten carbide spikes will help prevent slips and falls even in the most extreme working conditions.

Sparking in some environments is a concern with catastrophic consequences.  If you work in an environment where you require traction but need something that will not spark, look for the K1 Intrinsic models.  The K1 Series Intrinsic is proud to be the only certified spark-proof cleats sold in North America.

Walking to work or just shoveling the driveway?  The Due North Everyday and G3 Traction Aid are up to the task.  Each are lightweight, durable, and can be easily stored in a pocket when not in use.

Remember, not all ice cleats are created equal.  When in doubt, be sure to speak with a traction specialist to find the right ice cleats to meet your needs.

Previously Featured on SureWerx' blog.

Go to to browse ice traction footwear from SureWerx.


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