
DuPont offers a wide range of chemical protective clothing and biohazard suits to help protect emergency responders against the dangers they face on the job.

Emergency responders can face a variety of toxic chemical, thermal and biological threats, including toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and viruses, as well as flash fire and arc flash risks.

Proven protection for those who protect us

DuPont offers a wide range of chemical protective clothing and biohazard suits to help protect emergency responders against the chemical and biological hazards they face on the job.

These innovative personal protective equipment (PPE) solutions undergo rigorous testing.

In addition, DuPont™ Tychem® fabrics have been tested by third-party laboratories for permeation against hundreds of chemicals. And, unlike many other garment suppliers, DuPont provides permeation data to assist emergency responders in selecting the most appropriate garments.

Making garment selection easier

DuPont™ SafeSPEC™ is a sophisticated, easy-to-use interactive tool that provides options for consideration for chemical protective clothing based on the user’s hazard scenario. The DuPont database includes the permeation data of hundreds of chemicals, including warfare agents and the ASTM F1001 standard list of challenge chemicals. This tool can be found at

Tychem® protection for emergency responders

Whether the potential threat is light liquid splash, heavy exposure to industrial chemicals or even warfare agents, there is a Tychem® garment specifically designed to provide the protection emergency responders need to get the job done and go home safely. These Tychem® garment solutions include:

Tychem® garment solutions (from left): 2000, 6000FR, 6000 and the 10000
Tychem® garment solutions (from left): 2000, 6000FR, 6000 and the 10000

Tychem® 2000

Providing light liquid splash protection, Tychem® 2000 garments with taped seams offer at least 30 minutes of protection against more than 40 chemicals. These garments can be used to address biological hazards and for decontamination showering. Tychem® 2000 is yellow for high visibility.

Tychem® 6000 FR

Tychem® 6000 FR garments combine the trusted chemical protection of Tychem® with the flash and arc flash protection of DuPont™ Nomex®  into a single garment, providing emergency responders with triple hazard protection. Tychem® 6000 FR provides at least 30 minutes of protection against more than 180 chemical challenges and has an arc rating of 15 cal/cm2 Ebt. Tychem® 6000 FR is available in orange for high visibility and gray for discretionary purposes with a low-visibility patch.

Tychem® 6000

Strong and durable, Tychem® 6000 garments offer at least 30 minutes of protection against more than 180 chemical challenges. Tychem® 6000 is ideal for use when potential exposure to TICs and CWAs exists. Tychem® 6000 is available in orange for high visibility and gray for discretionary purposes with a low-visibility patch.

Tychem® 10000

Tychem® 10000 encapsulated Level A suits provide premium protection against toxic and corrosive gaseous, liquid and solid chemicals. Tychem® 10000 provides at least 30 minutes of protection against more than 320 chemical challenges. It is the leading garment chosen by hazmat responders worldwide. Tychem®  10000 is lime yellow for high visibility.

To learn more about Tychem® protective garments, visit DuPont Personal Protection's website.


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For more than 50 years, DuPont Personal Protection (DPP) has been creating groundbreaking solutions that protect industrial professionals around the globe. DPP brings together some of the most trusted names in personal protective equipment (PPE)—Tyvek®, Tychem®, Nomex® and Kevlar®—to provide unparalleled solutions that protect workers against chemical, thermal, electric arc, mechanical and other workplace hazards.

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