“A pegboard is fine as well, but it’s important that the wheels don’t touch one another and that nothing bumps into them,” he says. “Laying them down is OK, provided there’s some sort of cardboard or wooden divider between each one. Otherwise, it’s usually best to stand wheels on edge, especially larger ones, since it makes them easier to pick up and offers the least potential for damage.”

Shops should store wheels much as they would their china at home—in a cabinet, where they’re protected from being banged into or knocked over. (CGW Abrasives)
How to Perform the Ring Test
Just like fine china, an undamaged wheel will ring when tapped in a certain way. Grinding experts call this the “ring test,” and it’s something that should be done before mounting any wheel to an arbor:
- The wheel should be dry and free of any foreign material. Visually inspect it for cracks, chips and other damage.
- Suspend the wheel on a pin or hangar. Large wheels can be stood on edge on a clean, hard surface.
- Using a light, nonmetallic implement (a screwdriver handle does a fine job), gently tap the wheel 1 to 2 inches from the periphery and 45 degrees to either side of the wheel’s vertical centerline.
- Rotate the wheel 45 degrees and test again. Each tap should produce a clear ringing sound like that of a bell. Cracked wheels will emanate a dull thud and should be disposed of immediately.
These steps are outlined in OSHA standard 1910.215 and most grinding wheel manufacturers’ websites. While you’re there, also download ANSI standard B7.1, Safety Requirements for the Use, Care & Protection of Abrasive Wheels, a document that Norton Saint-Gobain refers to as the bible of grinding wheel safety.

A “mount up” arrow on the wheel face should point upward when attaching the flange. (Norton)
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Balancing the Wheel
Someone who knows this standard well is Debra Williams, senior product safety engineer for Norton Saint-Gobain Abrasives.
She’ll tell you to ring-test every wheel before mounting, including wheels that have been removed from their arbors. Even wheels that pass the test should be allowed to spin at the recommended rpm for at least one minute with no one standing near the machine, lest unexpected failure occurs. “This can happen if the wheel is out of balance or has been mounted improperly,” she adds.
These last two points—mounting and balancing—are every bit as important to wheel safety as the ring test. Williams offers these recommendations to make sure your grinding wheel doesn’t become like a bad tire, ready to put even the best of drivers in the ditch:
- Always use the correct size blotters, the doughnut-shaped compressible washers that sit between the wheel and flange. Use only blotters that are supplied or recommended by the abrasive wheel manufacturer.
- Always use matching flanges, which should be properly relieved and sized to the wheel. Also inspect the flanges to make sure that they are flat and are in good condition (clean and free of burrs).
- If a “mount up” arrow is present on the wheel face, it should point upward when attaching the flange.
- Just like mounting a wheel on your car, follow the manufacturer’s bolt tightening sequence and torque recommendations.
- Assuming your grinder is not equipped with an automatic balancing system, always balance wheels before mounting in the machine.
- Always use the correct spindle rpm relative to the wheel size and type. Never run a machine without the proper guarding, a practice that Williams says happens all too frequently.
- Run the wheel with the coolant turned off for a minute or two before stopping the wheel to avoid an out of balance condition.
- And always use the correct truing and dressing procedures.

Follow the manufacturer’s bolt tightening sequence and torque recommendations. (Norton)
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Dressing Up
This last part is a critical part of grinding success. CGW’s Rodney Finch notes that the step is often overlooked, and that dressing should not only occur at the right intervals, but also for the right reasons—doing so can improve productivity upward of 30 to 40 percent.
“Let’s say you’re grinding a gummy material that’s causing the wheel to load up,” Finch says. “You might respond by dressing more frequently, but chances are good that you have the wrong wheel, and you’re just masking the problem. This kind of thing happens all the time.”
Trish Dawson agrees: “This is why most wheel manufacturers, Norton included, have a troubleshooting guide in their catalog or available on their website,” she notes. “Is the wheel too soft, too hard, the wrong grain size, the wrong bond? There are a lot of variables, but one thing is certain: There’s no reason to settle for poor grinding performance.”
What techniques or tips can you share about making precision grinding operations more cost-effective and safer? Let us know in the comments below.
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