
Reaching the next level in productivity is not about the incorporation of individual products, but rather the integration of complete systems that work together to help manufacturers realize greater efficiencies. At Micro-Mechanics, they have done just that to increase productivity, profitability and a global competitive advantage.

Reaching the next level in productivity is not about the incorporation of individual products, but rather the integration of complete systems that work together to help manufacturers realize greater efficiencies. At Micro-Mechanics, they have done just that to increase productivity, profitability and a global competitive advantage.

Micro-Mechanics designs, manufactures and markets high precision parts and tools used in process-critical applications for the semiconductor and aerospace industries. Their CEO, Chris Borch, believes in what he calls the “science of machining.” He decided to put our claim to the test. Quite literally.

A Proactive, Scientific Search for Excellence

According to their website, the company’s mission is to provide its customers with "Perfect Parts and Tools, On Time, Every Time", based on scalable, repeatable and cost-effective manufacturing processes. Their strategy to achieve that mission is to “relentlessly pursue product and operational improvements.” That’s how they became involved with HAIMER.

How It Began

Six years ago, an internal study of their entire machining process showed that tool setup and calibration was taking up most of their non-machining time. Micro-Mechanics makes very complex parts with many features that require up to 70 tools per part to complete. Most are small runs. At an average of up to 10 minutes per tool setup, the company was often spending up to eight hours getting tool assemblies loaded and ready for machining.

It made sense that eliminating tool deviations and taking as many setup processes as possible off-line would drastically improve machine up time.

To see if the latest toolholding technology might offer a solution, a fact-finding team was sent to Germany to visit various plants and prepare a comprehensive study of what was on the market. HAIMER quickly bubbled to the top amongst potential technology companies that could help them, in part because their solutions platform consisted of an entire system of products that worked seamlessly together to affect the very issues Micro-Mechanics was looking to address.

The HAIMER Full Process Test Line

Unlike many situations where HAIMER helps customers with a particular problem and then they gradually adopt one or more of our products, Chris Borch took the bold measure of building a brand new engineering line in the company’s California plant specifically to test the complete HAIMER machine tool accessories solution.

“We determined that it would be hard to mix old and new equipment and compile good data,” he said. “We started fresh with three brand new CNC machines, each with 300 tools, all containing HAIMER toolholding.” All tool assemblies would be modeled by engineers and certified on HAIMER presetters and balancers by a technician before going out to the machines.

Shrink Fit for Baseline Excellence

Micro-Mechanics already recognized shrink fit toolholding as the primary technological solution. With no moving or wearable parts to create potential for deviations in machining, it fit the company’s goal of delivering perfect parts due to its ability to maintain repeatable runout accuracy, balance accuracy and gripping torque.


Consistent quality was vital. “We spot checked samples coming off the line with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM),” Borch explained. “The results showed outstanding quality.” The parts were found to be holding at Cpk 1.33 (roughly 63 rejects per million parts produced). This means that, batch-to-batch, the company was maintaining a 99.99% rate of parts within tolerance.

In other words – very few, if any, defects were finding their way to the customer. “This is exactly what our mission statement is all about,” Borch said. It also meant the scrap bin stayed empty and costly rework was practically eliminated.


Moving from a CAT to HSK spindle interface was one critical change that helped improve Z-height accuracy. Another change was the switch from an older tool presetter to HAIMER’s new Microset line.  Prior to the switch, accuracy at best was between 5 and 10 microns for any given part, which meant additional tinkering and time to get better. The HAIMER presetter achieved accuracy of +/- 2 microns. This level of precision allows Micro-Mechanics to go straight from the preset to the machine without making any further adjustments, and while maintaining accuracy of the part within 10 microns or less.


With the advantages received from HAIMER toolholders, shrink fit and presetters, Micro-Mechanics went for 100% peace of mind by using HAIMER balancing equipment. “We knew from experience that our old Weldon holders and collet chucks were out of balance,” Borch explained. “And while HAIMER shrink fit is close to perfect, we can’t always use it and even when we do, we prefer to know 100% of the time what the balance condition of the assembly is.” Because of the switch to HAIMER and the institution of balance inspection, the company has noticed a 70-80% increase in tool life as a result.

Setup Time

The impact of tool setting offline has been profound by instituting the best practices of shrinking, presetting and balancing into every tool change. The entire set up process that used to take up to eight hours has now been reduced to 5 minutes! “We could see the difference immediately,” Borch said. And the repeatability of performance is consistent for each tool assembly.

100% HAIMER Worldwide

Micro-Mechanics serves a worldwide base of customers from five manufacturing facilities located in Asia and the USA. As a result of the success of the HAIMER engineering line, Micro-Mechanics has replicated it on the manufacturing line, not only in California, but in their other four plants world-wide. The entire organization has installed the complete HAIMER tool system into their standard operating procedures. That’s quite an endorsement!

How It Works

Engineers model up each tool assembly, complete with attributes like offset heights and balance tolerances. Then a technician in the tool room builds it via HAIMER shrink fit holders, which eliminate any deviation between tool changes. Next, those attributes are certified by HAIMER presetting and balance machine technology. “The geometry is perfect on the computer model and with HAIMER toolholding best practices; there are very few variances from what is on the screen to the tool assembly that goes out to the machine.”

“We’ve eliminated tedious one-time adjustments on the line. We generally don’t do any more adjustments until the tool wears out. It’s only replaced when it hits the predetermined life which we track via RFID chips in the holders themselves.” 

Industry 4.0 – Running Smart

From shrink fit and RFID chip installation, to presetting and balancing, HAIMER provides the solution and expertise to support manufacturers moving into the arena of Industry 4.0. “There are 168 hours in the week, and our goal was to utilize them all. It’s obvious from our commitment to HAIMER products that we believe they help us accomplish that and give us a competitive edge,” Borch concluded.

Previously Featured on Haimer's blog.

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