
Automotive parts manufacturer solved multiple production issues while saving money and improving tool life​


BOTTOM LINE: Automotive Parts Stamping

Automotive parts manufacturer solved multiple production issues while saving money and improving tool life​


• Bending, drilling, and sawing aluminum extrusion.


• Customer was experiencing issues with hard water chemistry, plugging nozzles, sticking and staining in heat-treat, and poor paint adhesion caused by their previous stamping fluid.


• METAL MATES™ HDA8515 was trialed over an extended period to see how it would address all of the issues facing the customer


• A successful trial proved that METAL MATES™ HDA8515 allowed for heat treat without requiring pre-wash and eliminated problems with staining and chips sticking. It also held up to hard water issues and didn’t cause nozzles to plug. Paint adhesion was improved, and the customer adopted METAL MATES™ HDA8515 as their stamping fluid of choice.

Previously Featured on ITW Pro Brands' Resources page.


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