
Is your shop talking about CYBER SECURITY? Are you part of the defense industry?

K.N.'s picture
MSC Administrator
Is your shop talking about CYBER SECURITY? Are you part of the defense industry?

Most manufacturers are busy keeping machines running and getting quality parts out the door. But if you work in defense, you may be hearing a lot about cybersecurity and security practices on the job. In part, it’s because of compliance with the government, which is trying to secure intellectual property and keep snooping eyes away from military innovation.

But there are other reasons, too: Hackers are stealing employee and company information with the intent to steal company funds or hold systems for ransom. A Saudi Arabian petrochemical company was targeted in 2018 by hackers with an aim of disrupting production and causing explosions and death.

Read our most recent article on cyber security here.

How is your shop handling the security of its systems and processes? What kind of security risk assessment and security training have you experienced?


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