Downdraft Tables are commonly used in deburring and grinding of metal parts. If the metal parts are not flammable such as steel you can use a table with cleanable cartridge filters under the table. These tables have filters, a motor and blower for drawing or sucking the metal dusts down into the table through openings. The very efficient cartridges will filter the metal dusts and a filter cleaning system will force the metal dust down into a dust drawer for easy removal. Very clean air will exhaust out from under the table. Your employee will breath clean air and his health and safety will be prolonged.
If your metal dust is flammable you can use a wet downdraft table to provide a safe and healthy work environment. The types of flammable metal dust would include aluminum, titanium, and magnesium.
If interested in help regarding these downdraft tables, please check out or call 866-265-2372 for more information.