Brady SPC has been successfully developing, manufacturing and shipping absorbent products for nearly 40 years. Throughout the decades, our customers have relied on SPC products to help them prevent slips, trips and falls within their facilities. Absorbents and spill control products are our focus. At Brady SPC, we’ve invested in our people, processes and facilities to ensure that we provide our customers with the best products for all their spill control needs.
When a spill occurs, efficient and safe clean-up is critical. Here is a checklist to help make sure you, your employees and the environment are all protected.
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What you said about how it is important to dispose of spilled liquids in accordance to the state laws. When harmful chemicals are spilled, I would imagine that it would be important to use a substance that can cancel out the acids and other harmful components of the chemicals. I would imagine that it would be important for industrial businesses and other places that work with chemicals to have the right absorbents in place in order to protect their employees.
25Spills are bad. We have to take all precautions to avoid them and know what do to in case of emergencies.
18We all need to do our part to prevent spills where we are able to and to clean up spills we can’t prevent
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