Shop floors present many opportunities for injuries, from broken bones caused by trips and falls to more serious risks of amputation and death caused by contact with machinery or moving parts. But what areas of a manufacturing facility are the most dangerous?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2017, of 303 total fatal injuries in manufacturing, 79 were caused by transportation incidents, another 79 were caused by contact with objects and equipment, 50 were caused by falls, slips and trips, 41 were caused by exposure to harmful substances or environments, 31 were caused by violence and other injuries by persons or animals, and 21 were caused by fires and explosions.
According to the National Safety Council’s Injury Facts from 2017, the most common injuries in manufacturing were: sprains, strains and tears (34,110); cuts, lacerations and punctures (14,740); soreness and pain (14,290); and fractures (13,130). The top sources of injuries were: parts and materials; worker motion or position; machinery; floors, walkways and ground surfaces; containers; hand tools; vehicles; furniture and fixtures; chemicals and chemical products; trucks; carts, dollies and hand trucks; and ladders.
We talked to Sean Moser, a safety specialist with MSC, to find out the most dangerous spots on a shop floor—the spots where these injuries and fatalities are most likely to occur. Moser says that when he visits a facility, he likes to start with a tour of the whole building.
“For me, the organization of a building really kind of determines what kind of safety culture they have,” he says. “An organized shop floor is going to be an area that you’re less likely to have as many slips, trips and falls. It’s an area that you have better interactions between equipment and the people working around the equipment. It means that the shop is taking the additional thought into planning for injuries.”
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