
Most facilities use absorbents to clean up leaks, drips and spills. But is your absorbent program as complete as it should be? If a spill occurred, are you ready to respond?


Most facilities use absorbents to clean up leaks, drips and spills. But is your absorbent program as complete as it should be? If a spill occurred, are you ready to respond? You may use absorbents as an effective way to clean up small spills, however, both OSHA and the EPA outline directives that deal with the use of absorbents.

For general maintenance, you must always have plenty of pads, rolls, socks and pillows on hand. In addition, place smaller spill kits in each machine area, and near all exits. This provides the best opportunity to contain a spill before it enters the environment.

When a spill does occur, follow the steps in this video for clean-up.

Effectively managing both your general-purpose and spill-control absorbent programs is the best way to be prepared. Rely on Brady SPC to supply you with the pads, rolls and spill kits that you need.

Previously Featured on Brady SPC's YouTube channel.

For see absorbent products from Brady SPC, please visit

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Brady SPC has been successfully developing, manufacturing and shipping absorbent products for nearly 40 years. Throughout the decades, our customers have relied on SPC products to help them prevent slips, trips and falls within their facilities. Absorbents and spill control products are our focus. At Brady SPC, we’ve invested in our people, processes and facilities to ensure that we provide our customers with the best products for all their spill control needs. 

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